Can Working In Your Bathrobe Help You Attain Life Balance - Online Entrepreneur, Leslie Truex, says YES!
Released on = January 29, 2007, 7:47 am
Press Release Author = Leslie Truex
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = If your job often makes you feel tired, burned out, or stressed to the max, try a new bathrobe on for size. February 12, 2007 is the fifth annual \"Doing Business in Your Bathrobe Day,\" a time to celebrate the freedom home business ownership offers people.
Press Release Body = Palmyra, VA - If your job often makes you feel tired, burned out, or stressed to the max, try a new bathrobe on for size. February 12, 2007 is the fifth annual "Doing Business in Your Bathrobe Day," a time to celebrate the freedom home business ownership offers people. In fact, more than 4.5 million home business owners have waved goodbye to the pressures of the corporate rat race and have settled into a more balanced and better quality of life.working from home. Local entrepreneur, Leslie Truex has been working from home in Palmyra, Virginia since 2000 as a telecommuter, online entrepreneur and work-at-home coach. \"My preference is to work in my pajamas,\" says Truex who is known as The Pajama Mama. \"But I\'m always happy to support a cause that celebrates the freedom and flexibility that comes with working at home.\" Kristie Tamsevicius, co-founder of, a site that empowers women who have chosen to work from home, views having a home business as the ultimate life balancer. "Some people may think that living and working under the same roof creates more stress, but in fact, just the opposite is true. Working from home gives you the freedom to schedule your work around your life, rather than the other way around. That way you can create a life that you truly love." And the home business bug isn't just biting American workers. People in England, Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand are celebrating the power of the bathrobe and taking control of their workday and financial future. Considering that the average worker spends up to 12 hours a day focused on work-related activities, often skipping lunch due to job demands, it's no wonder that many people feel out of balance. So for the millions of people who have dreamed about a home based business and the opportunity to finally have some life balance, February 12, 2007 may be the perfect day to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit and map out a new business plan-one that makes the bathrobe your power suit. Once again this year,, provider of the world's largest selection of quality bathrobes, is sponsoring "Doing Business in Your Bathrobe Day." On the day, will hold a random drawing for three luxury bathrobes, as well as for a host of other prizes including a telecommuting package donated by Leslie Truex. To get additional information on the festivities planned for the day, the WebMomz International Robes prizes, and to register, visit at
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Contact Details = Leslie Truex
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